Slow Ride! Let It Slow ☃️ Saturday Dec. 16th, 1pm

Join us for a holiday season group ride on Saturday Dec 16th, 2023!
Start: South-east corner of Duboce Park (Duboce & Steiner)
Meet at: 1pm
Roll at: 1:30pm
We'll take the Wiggle to our series of Slow Streets: Lyon, Golden Gate, Lake, 23rd, and Cabrillo. We'll have a 30 minute stop at Mountain Lake Park and end our ride at Great Highway Park & Judah. Both stops have nearby bathrooms.
The route is 8 miles and reasonably flat for SF with a maximum grade of 4.5% on Golden Gate Ave. The first two miles of the ride have all the big hills in the ride. There's one on the last block of Lyon and a longer one going west on Golden Gate Ave. Our pace will average a casual 7mph with nobody left behind. And while we love Critical Mass, this ride will be on the Bike Party end of the spectrum — we'll ride past confrontation and avoid conflict with cars. There will be two people directing the front of the ride and a rider in the back of the group to ensure everyone gets through.
There are Baywheels bike share stations near Pierce & Haight, Duboce & Noe, and Duboce & Church.
You can see some photos from our last ride here on a blog by an attendee.

- It will likely be dark when riding back — please bring bike lights!
- We'll be riding west and the sun will be low — bring sunglasses if that's your jam :)
- The mid-ride 30 minute stop at Mountain Lake Park is enough time to use the bathroom and eat any snacks you've brought. Remember to eat lunch beforehand and/or bring snacks.
Getting Back
To get back to the Panhandle or Slow Page St we recommend following this nearly car-free route taking MLK to Middle Dr to JFK Promenade. Slow Page St is a car-light way to get back to Market St or the Lower Haight. If you used bikeshare then you can take the N Judah light rail (bikes are not allowed on). You will also be near Muni bus routes which you can put your bikes on: 18 46th Ave, 7 Haight/Noriega, and 5 Fulton.
The mid-ride stop at Mountain Lake Park is near the 1 California, 28 19th Ave, 38 Geary, and 5 Fulton.
Inclement Weather
We'll ride this event rain or shine. If the forecast is calling for severe weather that we think may lead to unsafe conditions then we'll cancel. We'll try our best to cancel 72 hours in advance based on the forecast but of course we may cancel with shorter notice in the event of unsafe conditions. In the event of rain, please remember:
- Go slower and remember it will take a further distance to come to a complete stop. You do not have the same braking traction in the rain.
- Give other riders and road users extra space.
- Bring rain gear! Riding in the rain can be a lot of fun. Installing fenders on your bike can help as can wearing waterproof footwear, rain pants, rain jacket or rain cape, and even weatherproof gloves and socks!
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