Presidi-SLOW: March 24 Slow Streets Ride
Start: Civic Center Plaza across Polk from City Hall (Google Maps)
Meet at: 1pm
Roll at: 1:30pm
This Slow Street Ride will start out in Civic Center Plaza in front of City Hall from which we'll go north on Polk to formerly slow Pacific with a 15 minute stop at Alta Plaza Park. After the stop we'll continue west on Slow Clay, taking the Arguello Wiggle into the Presidio where we'll hit slow Washington into our second stop at Immigrant Point for 30 minutes. Then we'll head back out of the Presidio onto Slow Lake west until Slow 23rd into Golden Gate Park where we end with a triumphant Music Concourse loop. At the Living Room those who want to can stay for post-ride hangouts and socializing!
The ride is just over 9 miles, with a few shallow but long hills, and anything steeper than 5% grade marked on the map. Polk will have some car traffic but it's a business district and rarely very fast and we'll easily take over our lane. Polk is one of the main passes through the hills between Market and the Marina and should absolutely be made safer for bikers and pedestrians. That said this is a casual and friendly affair so we won't be engaging in conflicts with drivers and we'll wait for green lights. We will stick together as a group and get our whole group through each green light (even if it turns red while we're still going through).

- Please bring bike lights
- Snacks! But eat lunch beforehand.
- Bring water
- Rain gear for if it rains
- Alta Plaza Park has bathrooms as does Golden Gate Park at the end of the ride, but there aren't close by bathrooms at Immigrant Point so be sure to plan accordingly (Closest would probably be at Mountain Lake or Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center
Getting There
The ride starts at Civic Center Plaza, across the street from City Hall, not the Bart Station. But it is right next to Civic Center Bart. Walking west from UN Plaza at the Civic Center Bart station is nice and easy. By Bike heading down Market is a good option too.
If getting a Bay Wheels, there are several in the vicinity: in the plaza near Polk and Grove, another on Grove near the library and another on Golden Gate and Polk just north of the Plaza.
Getting Back
The ride ends in Golden Gate Park at the Living Room - the area with the chairs and ping pong table. Feel free to hang out and socialize a while! But once you're going back home, Car Free JFK is very bikable through the Park as well as the N to the south of the park and the 5 just north on Fulton as well as a bay wheels station on 8th.
We'll ride this event rain or shine. If the forecast is calling for severe weather that we think may lead to unsafe conditions then we'll cancel. We'll try our best to cancel 72 hours in advance based on the forecast but of course we may cancel with shorter notice in the event of unsafe conditions. In the event of rain, please remember:
- Go slower and remember it will take a further distance to come to a complete stop. You do not have the same braking traction in the rain.
- Give other riders and road users extra space.
- Bring rain gear! Riding in the rain can be a lot of fun. Installing fenders on your bike can help as can wearing waterproof footwear, rain pants, rain jacket or rain cape, and even weatherproof gloves and socks!