JFK Promenade

JFK Promenade

Update: We did it! Car Free JFK forever!

Before the closure of JFK to vehicle traffic it was one of the roads listed on San Francisco's high injury roads. The majority of vehicles that would use JFK would use it as a cut through road and were not trying to visit the park.

New York City was able to close Central Park to vehicles back in 2018. We have much better weather that allows for year round outdoor activities. Why can NYC figure this out, but not San Francisco?

On any day of the week (rain/shine/fog) you can visit JFK and see hundreds of people enjoying promenade.

What about parking?

The taxpayers paid for a large underground parking garage that already has entrances on the north and south sides and you are allowed to enter the garage for free for a short period to drop off people with disabilities. This garage is convenient when visiting the Academy of Sciences, De Young Museum or to walk on JFK. You are also still allowed to drive around the Music Concourse to drop off anyone even closer to the front doors.

All ADA parking that was removed as part of the JFK closure has been replaced with new spots.



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  • Yubalance